Search by listed corporation - Current Securities
(notices filed through DION System since 3 July 2017)
Listed corporation being searched:
Stock code: 00700
Date (dd/mm/yyyy): 20/11/2007- 20/11/2017
1. To access DI fillings before 1 April 2017, please click here.
2. Notices filed for RMB-traded and/or USD-traded shares are included in the following reports.
Stock code*Name of listed corporationReport Type
Tencent Holdings Ltd.Complete list of substantial shareholders
Consolidated list of substantial shareholders
List of notices filed by substantial shareholders
Complete list of directors
List of notices filed by directors
List of all notices
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Displayed: 1 - 1 Total records: 1
* Stock code displayed in the bracket(s) represents the counter for RMB-traded and/or USD-traded shares. TOP