Search results by listed corporation
(notices filed through means other than DION System from 1 April 2003 to 2 October 2017)
Listed corporation being searched:
Stock code: 02828
Date (dd/mm/yyyy): 17/11/2008- 17/11/2018
1. The following search result may contain information on delisted companies. To view a list of delisted companies, please click here.
2. For those listed corporations which have changed their names or stock codes (i.e. for transfer of listing from GEM to Main Board), all previous filings made prior to the change shall continue to carry the original names or stock codes. Under such circumstances, you may need to search all information filed under both the old and new names (or stock codes, as the case may be).
3. Notices filed for RMB-traded shares are included in the following reports.
4. As the following search result only contains DI notices filed through means other than DION System from 1 April 2003 to 2 October 2017, for completeness, you may access DI notices filed through DION System since 3 July 2017 by clicking here.
Stock code*Name of listed corporationReport Type
Hang Seng H-Share Index ETFComplete list of substantial shareholders
Consolidated list of substantial shareholders
List of notices filed by substantial shareholders
Complete list of directors
List of notices filed by directors
List of all notices
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Displayed: 1 - 1 Total records: 1
* Stock code displayed in the bracket(s) represents the counter for RMB-traded and/or USD-traded shares. TOP